Aggregate Functions

This page covers functions that can be used in aggregation queries.

All aggregate functions take arguments which are expressions potentially involving an identifier. The functions operate on a number of values and return a single result. All single argument functions support a DISTINCT option, as in COUNT(DISTINCT x), where all the duplicate values are removed from the input set.

SELECT COUNT(is_even) FROM numbers
-- collection with is_even values [true, true, false, false, true]

List of functions defined in this section:

APPROX_DISTINCT(x[, e])Returns the approximate number of distinct elements with a non-null value for field x.
ARBITRARY(x)Returns an arbitrary non-null element from the input. Returns null if the input is empty or all null.
ARRAY_AGG(x)Returns an array created from all the elements in x.
AVG(x)Returns an average of all the elements in x. All elements are implicitly promoted to float. Return value is of type float.
BITWISE_AND_AGG(x)Returns the bitwise AND of all input values in 2's complement representation.
BITWISE_OR_AGG(x)Returns the bitwise OR of all input values in 2's complement representation.
BOOL_AND(x)Returns true if every value in the input is true, false otherwise. Return value and all arguments are boolean.
BOOL_OR(x)Returns true if one value in the input is true, false otherwise. Return value and all arguments are boolean.
COUNT(*)Returns the number of input rows.
COUNT_IF(x)Returns the number of elements in x which are true.
EVERY(x)An alias of BOOL_AND function.
GROUPING(col1, col1, ... col_n)Returns the grouping mask, which is a bitmask associating one bit with every column (the first column in the list of arguments corresponds to the most significant bit in the result).
HMAP_AGG(key, value, op)Creates a histogram map aggregate. For each input document, the op argument specifies the update semantics for the given key value pair.
HMAP_CONTAINS_VALUE(hmap, v)Returns whether value v occurs in the histogram map aggregate hmap.
HMAP_ELEMENT_AT(hmap, k)Returns the value associated with key k in the histogram map aggregate hmap.
HMAP_VALUE_COUNT(hmap, v)Returns the number of times value v occurs in the histogram map aggregate hmap.
MAP_AGG(keys, values)Creates an object where the keys are from the first input and the values are from the second input.
MAX(x)Returns the maximum value of all elements in x.
MAX_BY(x, y)Returns the value of column x associated with the maximum value of column y.
MIN(x)Returns the minimum value of all elements in x.
MIN_BY(x, y)Returns the value of column x associated with the minimum value of column y.
STDDEV_SAMP(x)Returns the sample standard deviation of all input values.
SUM(x)Returns the sum of all elements in x. Returns a value of type int if all of the input elements are int, float otherwise.